What is osteoarthritis (OA)?
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a normal change to our joints that occurs as we age. The degree of these changes relates to many factors, like previous injuries, sedentary living, or heavy use. There could be changes to the joint cartilage, as well as the surround bone and soft tissue. OA is the leading cause of inactivity as we age, and often affects our hands, lower limb, and spine. It’s no longer thought of as a “wear and tear” disease, and new science shows the benefits of exercise for cartilage and joint health.
What are the common signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis, and how is it diagnosed?
OA isn’t always symptomatic, but when it is, common signs and symptoms include:
-Stiffness, especially after inactivity
-Reduced range of motion
-Joint crepitus (joint noises)
-Visible deformities
OA can be diagnosed with a thorough verbal and physical examination. Imaging is not necessary to make the diagnosis, and isn’t necessary for appropriate treatment planning in most cases.
What are recommended treatments for osteoarthritis?
Conservative treatment is recommended for osteoarthritis, which includes education, exercise, and weight control. The GLA:D™ program is a hip and knee OA education and strengthening program that has helped participants throughout the country and the globe. Anti-inflammatory medication, injections, sleep/stress and nutritional counselling, heat/cold therapy, supportive braces, and nordic poles can be helpful treatments or adjunct strategies. If not responding well to conservative care, a referral for advanced imaging and to a specialist may be recommended.