What is GLA:D™?
Good Life with osteoArthritis in Denmark (GLA:D™) is an education and exercise program for people with stiff and/or painful hips or knees, or with hip or knee osteoarthritis. The program is now being offered across Canada after its widespread success in Denmark and other countries across the globe. Education and exercise are first-line, best-evidence treatments for symptomatic hip and knee osteoarthritis.

What can GLA:D™ help with?

The GLA:D™ program has been shown to:
-Improve function
-Reduce pain and stiffness
-Reduce use of pain medication
-Reduce the number of people needing sick leave
-Get people more physically active

What does the program consist of?

The program is done over 7-8 weeks in a small-group class with a certified practitioner. The program is broken up into education and exercise components. Over 2-3 education sessions, participants will learn about:
-Healthy and arthritic joint physiology
-Osteoarthritis risk factors, symptoms, and diagnosis
-Best available treatments for osteoarthritis
-How to self manage, how exercise helps, and how to exercise
-And more
Then, over 12 neuromuscular exercise sessions done 2 times each week, participants will:
-Build strength and function
-Learn how to move, and how to control movements and posture
-Learn how to apply the exercises to everyday activities

Can I participate in GLA:D™ on the Sunshine Coast?

The GLA:D™ program is offered all year round at Pacific Wellness and Sport in Gibsons by Dr. Ali. You do not need a referral or any imaging/test results to participate in the program. The program can be suitable for people before or after replacement surgeries. The cost of the program can be covered with extended health benefits.
Contact us today to learn more about participating in our programs!