
Concussion and Vertigo

What are some common symptoms of concussion and how is it diagnosed?

A mild traumatic brain injury, or concussion, can have varying symptoms that can be acute after recent injury, or persistent over time. Common symptoms can include:

-Neck pain
-Brain fog
-Light and/or sound sensitivity
-Difficulty concentrating or remembering
-And more

A chiropractor can diagnose a concussion with a thorough verbal and physical examination, can refer out for further investigation and care when red-flags are present, and co-manage with a physician or specialist when necessary.

What are some common treatments for concussion?
Effective treatments for concussion vary and depend on multiple factors. Common treatments include:
-Hands-on care and exercise for the neck
-Vestibular rehabilitation
-Sub-symptom threshold aerobic exercise
-Education and reassurance
-Nutritional and sleep counselling
-Mental health and stress management

A multidisciplinary approach to managing concussions can be valuable.

What are some common causes of vertigo and how are they diagnosed?

There are many causes of vertigo with different diagnostic criteria. Vertigo can often be related to the crystals in our inner ear (BPPV - Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo) or to our neck function (Cervicogenic Vertigo). A thorough assessment by a chiropractor can lead to a diagnosis of one of these common types of vertigo, or to a referral to a physician/specialist for further investigation.

What are common treatments for vertigo?

The treatments for vertigo vary depending on the diagnosis. Conservative management for vertigo can include crystal repositioning techniques like the Epley Maneuver, vestibular rehabilitation exercises, or treatments and active rehab for the neck.

Contact us today to learn more about how to manage your concussion or vertigo,
or book an appointment to get started with care.